Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer makeup is the most practical method of rapid 3-step

Summer approaching, sun and heat are the enemy of the United States makeup. Whether looking finish is much more sophisticated technology, after several hours of sweat and oil of baptism will certainly face Tuozhuang trouble. Summer excessive secretion of oil will Yanxian blooming in the fundus, T zone then let the flood of shiny looking finish disappear, how quickly to save completely different look, so that moment of exquisite beauty of their own it?

The first step to oil moisturizing makeup
Oil is the primary enemy destroyed look. Steps during the makeup before because cleared away with a paper towel or sponge grease and sweat and agglomeration of the foundation, then oil-absorbing paper to absorb the T zone, nose and cheeks of the fat. 7cm away from the skin in a thin layer of moisturizing spray spray on, gently pat the skin a few seconds and then press the paper towels, to absorb excess moisture. Keep skin fresh and moist in order to ensure follow-up of the makeup effects.

The second step to solve paste makeup makeup
Essential cosmetic products carry a cotton swab in a certain figure. Sweat and grease melt open eye shadow, eyeliner and mascara, you can easily remove with a cotton swab.
Eye makeup: first with the spray will wet swab, roll the way the eyes with smudged eyeliner and eye shadow edge removal. Must avoid horizontal rub rub, will harm the fragile eye skin.
The easiest mascara smudges under the eyes to, if it is to use waterproof mascara is a little cotton swab coated with latex or water to remove makeup, then use adhesive eyelashes eyelash comb comb opening.

The third step is quick makeup makeup
Looking finish: with a sun protection function can be wet or dry powder makeup is a great tool, the first corner with a sponge dampened with wet powder after the point of pressure to cover dark circles and Tuozhuang exposed flaws powder and then repair the forehead, T zone, mouth and nose and other key Tuozhuang parts. Usually used to makeup the MM can choose a sunscreen powder, spray powder to moisturize the skin after the cleaning step can re-apply sunscreen and makeup base.
Eyes: even with a cotton swab to gently push the remaining part of the clean-up after the eye makeup, and then picks up a small amount of eye shadow color eye shadow from the lash roots began to increase. In order to avoid busy in error, especially in the lash line unskilled MM, can carry a black or dark brown eye shadow, eyeliner part of the original with a cotton swab instead of increasing again the liner.
Lips: lipstick residue with paper towel to wipe clean before applying sunscreen lip balm to protect lips, and then coated with a good moisturizing lip gloss.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Summer Note, "three" do not let your hair hurt

"Hair like clouds, is a sign of beauty, but the summer sun, air conditioning and swimming pool of bleach on the hair can be caused by injury, doctors advise Xia Tianxiu Professional Hair hair to" three. "Here's quickly Xiaobian what are three terms with a number of tricks it.

Remind 1: Sunscreen

The outermost cuticle hair like the hair of the protective film, if the exposure in the hot sun for a long time, most likely to damage the hair cuticle, causing hair loss of water, appear dry, yellow, brittle hair and other problems, it is best to go out wear wide-brimmed hats and umbrellas, and it is best to avoid the 12 noon to 2 pm this time out.

Remind 2: Anti-air

Modern hair more and more people, apart from staying up late, irregular life, work and other common causes of mental stress, air conditioning heating air can also be induced by one of the reasons for hair loss. Air conditioner dehumidifier in the summer for a long time under the hair of moisture will be gradually drained, so the hair becomes dry, brittle, broken hair loss problems hair came out.

Remind 3: anti-bleach

Summer swimming is a favorite sport, but the pool of water contains chlorine bleach water will damage the hair, the shampoo and conditioner after swimming is particularly important.

Repair advice: choose the right shampoo conditioner

Repair of damaged hair is a long process, Ms. Tseng has proposed to focus on the choice of shampoo and conditioner choices. The correct way is to choose two or three different brands of shampoo for your hair, can be used interchangeably, can also be changed at regular intervals a shampoo. Conditioner like "emulsion film", can lock the hair moisture, hair used to stay at least 2 to 3 minutes, and do not wash too clean. If hair loss is a symptom of consumers has emerged, for seborrheic dermatitis caused by hair loss, should be targeted for psychological counseling and conditioning the pace of life, but also to select the special shampoo and conditioner for care, can also go to professional bodies treatment and maintenance.

Maintenance errors:

Misunderstanding: towel is not easy to damage one's hair

Many people believe that blowing the hair will hurt the hair, towel dry the hair but the force will not cause damage. In actual fact, can not rub wet hair, or hair tie or break. The correct approach is to use absorbent towel wrapped siphoning off water droplets on the hair, then hair blowing hair from the top down, hair dryer to keep moving, and with the hair for 10 cm distance.

Myth: shampoo foam the better

Many people believe that when the bubble with a shampoo wash the more clean and more. This is not so, there may be too much foam to make the hair dry, so choose not to shampoo and bubble judge how much force as a clean basis for their own is the best.

Myth: dry hair and hair care products to more than wipe

Dry hair is a lot of people because of the lack of luster, like hair and hair care products applied more moisture, in fact, too much hair care products will clog your pores, giving the hair an unnecessary burden. The correct approach is first used after washing hair conditioner, hair care products to wipe the other can only be put on the hair surface, which makes hair and scalp are not greasy.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Orgasm pill will not come?

Q: The climax of contraceptives will not come? I am 34 years old and just started taking the pill. In the past I always easy to achieve orgasm, but now I have to have the climax of the arrival of more and more difficult. I've tried many ways, the results are not into. Now I try to have sex almost every day, my husband and I are very anxious for this. Is this pill or psychological factors cause it?

A: First, the pill itself does not lead to orgasm disorder. In addition, the fact that you have answered his own question: "my mind is all about the climax, I was too anxious. " First of all, forget the past and those who experience it the perfect climax. As the perfect climax depends on multiple factors - If you are, then you are lucky, but if you put it as the most important thing in life, it may Haste makes waste. Also, do not put this pressure to bring their husbands, because the climax is the happiness of their own enjoyment, rather than to prove sexual partner. I suggest you take the time to explore your body feel alone, do some moderate clitoral stimulation to enrich their own sexual fantasies, and not worry too much whether the climax came.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Note that men need hormone therapy for 4 categories

What kind of man who needs the hormones do not you ever heard not to touch it bad, I heard a good complement to endless doom, do have a degree, enough is enough, very often not what you want To make or you will be able to get on the make up make up what you need. In the end to see which of four kinds of men are hormone therapy for it!

 Congenital hypoplasia
1. congenital hypoplasia, lack of male hormones, can lead to organ development, sexual function and sexual function significantly affect fertility, such as cryptorchidism or testicular resection without treatment, a variety of causes testicular atrophy, orpseudo-hermaphrodite Caused by the male hormone deficiency.

 Who acquired androgen deficiency

2. Acquired insufficient male hormones, which cause most of the male hormone declinemenopause, male menopause occurs in the clinical syndrome, not good in the othertreatments could be considered complementary male hormone. Pituitary gland caused by a tumor or radiation therapy male hormone secretion can also be complementary.

3. male hormone deficiency due to poor quality sperm can supplement.

4. hematopoietic insufficiency, male hormones can promote red blood cell production.